Electronic Volume Converter calculates the amount of actual gas use measured through turbine meters where form standard condition to best condition. Calculating the volume of gas from the measurement conditions (Actual Condition) be a condition of the contract (Base Condition)
PTZ-BOX is a gas volume corrector that enables PTZ, PT or T conversion. The device is designed to measure volume, energy and flow of gas. Primarily battery powered with the possibility to connection to an external power supply. The device converts the volume of gas counted by the gas meter (turbine, rotary, diaphragm) into the base conditions. Gas compressibility factor is calculated with the use of algorithms SGERG-88, MGERG-88, AGA8-92DC, AGA8-G1, AGA8-G2, AGA NX-19 mod or constant value of relative compression factor. PTZ-BOX is an intrinsically safe device ready to be installed in explosive hazardous zone 0.